Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So I will be on vacation in Sacramento through the weekend. For those of you out there wondering, I plan my vacations around family events; that's why I'm going to "vacation" in Sacramento. Friday's post will still be up, but that one, as this one, will be posted in the evenings. I get better traffic in the late evening anyway.

In 1995 this game would be FANTASTIC! That was what I kept thinking as I played through the demo for Multiwinia, an inventive RTS from Introversion Software. The trailer there explains the game basics, and it stays fairly true to the concept. Their tagline "Survival of the flattest" doesn't seem to apply, but then again, maybe that becomes more of a factor in the full version. Two of the three game styles available on the demo are the most commonly played types of games in the whole genre; King of the Hill and Capture the flag. The third, Rocket Riot, was a unique take on the defense aspect of the strategy genre. Capture resource points to fuel the rocket, then fill your rocket with guys, but don't let the enemy attack your rocket, because it could catch fire and you lose fuel. This game mode, along with the challenging enemy AI made for a refreshing, if utilitarian take on my favorite aspect of gaming.
Units are spawned periodically from spawn points, which vomit them out like bad Thai food. The units are two-dimensional stick figures, which do your basic bidding, but aren't afraid to run away from battle if there isn't an officer around or they don't have the clear advantage. The lack of an attack function is pretty nice after a bit of play. It's free of the normal nearly stressful micro-management synonymous with the genre.
In order to get to the packing I've been neglecting (procrastination, GO!), I will simply leave it at a recommendation. If you can't afford the $14.95, the demo at least is worth a playthrough.
Try it here
Do the right thing and all that. I'M A LIBERAL! (Cue maniacal laughter) "tax and spend, tax and spend..."

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