Thursday, October 22, 2009


Tackling a big one this time. Closure got a lot of good press being selected for the PAX 10 this year. Hundreds of games are submitted to be members of this elite group; the best of the indie game best. Closure made an impression by being the first and only online flash game to make the cut. There's a good reason for that. This game is frankly spectacular. The tone is dark and brooding, and the pacing, though somewhat plodding, is a good fit for the game.
There's something creepy about this light-and-dark puzzle. The art is simplistic and utilitarian, yet beautiful in an eerie sort of way. Black and white figures lend a claustrophobic air, which fits naturally with the game's concept. Matter is only solid when light shines on it, which is a problem in this world of total darkness. There's no story backing this premise, which is a shame, since the concept begs for greater depth. The protagonist is a white outline, a silhouette apparently trying to escape this world through a series of doors, the way to which can only be found with the help of many orbs of light. Light, as you find, is the key to all the puzzles leading to your way out.
Gameplay is interesting and original. The ability to walk through walls (given your light source is low enough to the ground) is always appreciated. The inability to hold more than one item, however, is not. Having to pick up a key and then drop it at the edge of the light, then go back, pick up the light, dropping it with the key at the edge and repeating ad nauseum gets old fairly quickly. Another complaint (oddly enough) is the length of the game. Again, this is a very original, interesting, etc. concept, but at level 20, it loses it's spark, falling into a pit of sameyness. It's good for a couple of hours, but after that, I lost motivation to continue. 15 levels would have been a perfect length with the amount of content possible. The tutorial spans several levels, dragging it on a bit too long. If they had condensed it to one or two levels, the game would have gained some extra playability.
Trying to keep it short, I definitely recommend Closure. Even with the complaints I have, it's obvious to me why it made the PAX 10. Spend some time with it. It is another shining light (ironically) of flash gaming. Do the right thing, people. Play indie games. Eat the rich.

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